Search engines are screaming out to publishers to publish rich media. At present, there is no online format that can blend text, images, and video with the same sophisticated style as print magazines. Wait there is! Thanks to the advancements in flipbook magazines software, publishers can improve the quality of their online content with an eye-catching magazine format. Flipping books look and feel like print magazines in the digital space. What’s more, they improve the user experience in a way that is much more captivating than a standard blog format. If you intend to publish premium content, your digital magazine should have the same quality of writing as the flipbook looks and feels – easier said than done if you are not a professional write…so here are some content writing tips that will give your flipbook magazine the polished finish it deserves.
Talk to the reader with your Flipbook Magazines
An effective way of communicating online is to write how you talk. Rather than trying to use long, sophisticated words, use simple, everyday words. Furthermore, present them on the page as you would if you were talking.
As you write, imagine the reader is sitting opposite you. In your head, or out loud, say want you want to tell them. Now write it down. It probably doesn’t read too well does it? So re-write it.
Now read the sentence out loud again. How does it sound? Does it sound natural and engaging? It probably sounds better than your first attempt. It will most definitely read better than the sentence you would have tried to write!
Give your writing rhythm
Writing with rhythm makes articles easier to read. A common mistake novice writers make is to overwrite sentences. To correct this, make better use of punctuation marks.
Punctuation helps to break up long sentences and can add emphasis to your meaning. A hyphen for example denotes a long pause – so is great to use when you want to drive home a point or make an additional comment.
The length of sentences should vary. Short sentences are best. Especially when reading online. But if you have too many bullet sentences in quick succession, it disrupts the fluency of the reader.
You can also replace the words and or but with a full-stop. This shortens unnecessarily long sentences and makes reading easier to digest. Practice writing out long-winded paragraphs, then break it down into three or four sentences.
Remove unnecessary words
Flipbooks have a dedicated space on which to publish. You, therefore, have to limit your word count so the piece fits in the space you have reserved. It is necessary to remove any unnecessary words.
A often overused word is “that”. Whenever you read a sentence with the word “that” in it, remove it and determine whether you actually need it. You will find that most of the time “that” could be left out.
Write first, edit later
Even professional writers procrastinate. In the time you waste trying to conjure up the perfect sentence in your head before you start writing, you could have written the first paragraph. If not more.

The truth of the matter is that first drafts always suck. It does not matter how good a writer you are, you will always improve what you have on the page when you run through your second draft.
Creating content for your business is time-consuming enough – especially when you have other more important chores. So save time thinking and just start writing. Starting is the hardest part of writing, but once you do you will find the words flow fluently.
And you can always – and always will – go back to the beginning and redraft your opening. Remember, that editing is the most important process of writing, not the actual writing.
Read through your work carefully, check for spelling mistakes and look for ways you can improve sentences so they read better.
Start sentences with And or But
Forget what you were taught at school. There is nothing wrong starting a sentence with And or But. It actually emphasises a specific point you want to make.
But not only that, this technique breaks up long-winded sentences and paragraphs. And when you are writing for online readers, it is not good practice to have bulky paragraphs that are difficult to digest.
Flipbook software is an amazing tool publisher can use to make web content look great. Filling the pages with well-written articles completes the quality user-experience search engines and internet users demand.
So learn how to write well and you will produce content your audience wants to read in your Flipbook Magazines.