The future of flipbooks
Modern readers are becoming more accustomed to digesting content on digital devices, but there is still a desire to “have that reassuring feel of a book in your hand and flick through the pages.
Augmented reality (AR) makes this proposition a near possibility. Your tablet will become everything a book or a magazine is. Well, everything but the smell. And possibly your weight – but your brain might fix that.
With AR technology primed to make a grand entrance into the digital arena, web content is preparing for a revolution.
And flipbooks are at the frontier. Imagine what it will be like to have the same reading experience on a computer screen that you have with a printed publication in your hand.
All the technology is there.
What is augmented reality?
AR is a cousin of virtual reality (VR), but the similarities they share are in the core of their program. Both VR and AR transfer real world situations into a digital experience.
To give you the most basic description Webopedia says augmented reality is:
VR and AR technology is already being experienced by gamers. Whilst the amazing experience and burst of emotion is there, the design is missing. To interact with the content, users have to wear headsets, gloves or goggles.
Google Glass will be the equivalent for consumers to access marketing AR. SMART TV’s and Wii already recognise motion gesture and 3D imaging will provide the visuals.
What more do you need?
Well, powerful algorithms need to be developed before AR will work. But since Facebook and Google have both invested heavily in the technology, we can expect an imminent arrival.
Improved 3D Imaging
The final piece of the flippingbook jigsaw is 3D imaging, a technology that was expected to transform cinema, but failed in public perception. Cinema mostly missed in efforts to immerse viewers with what was happening on the screen.
The Oculus Rift headset has taken a giant leap forward for mankind’s VR experience. Reviews in technology magazines are glowing and are a firm indication that AR will improve the 3D experience.
AR will bring the best out of 3D imaging and the combination with motion gesture will bring a true-to-life experience users feel emotionally. Flipbook software brings all the physical sensations of reading into a digital space in a virtual world.
The way we currently access content and used our digital devices is on the brink of exciting changes.
Flipbooks will be a big part of the future – so like Facebook and Google, companies should invest early so you understand how to best make it work when the technology is audience ready.